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Local vs Cloud Storage for Video Surveillance: What Should You Consider

Local vs Cloud Storage for Video Surveillance What Should You Consider

The debate between local vs cloud storage for video surveillance is one that has been ongoing for years. Businesses and organizations of all sizes are now increasingly turning to video surveillance to enhance security, increase productivity, and even save money. But the question of which storage solution is best for video surveillance is still up for debate.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of local vs cloud storage for video surveillance, and what you should consider when making your decision. We’ll also discuss the security and cost implications of each option, and how they compare to each other.

By the end of this post, you’ll have a better understanding of the different factors to consider when choosing between local and cloud storage for video surveillance. 

What is Local Storage In Video Surveillance System?

Local storage (also known as on-device storage) is a type of storage that’s installed on the device itself. This storage is typically internal to the device, but can also be an SD card.  With local storage, the video footage is stored locally and directly on the device and is only accessible locally. This means that the footage can only be viewed by someone with access to the device.  

What is Cloud Storage In Video Surveillance Systems?

Cloud storage is, simply put, online storage. Without cloud storage, your recordings would all remain on your DVR or NVR, (check also how to configure DVR and NVR to the internet) and you would only have local access to them. But, with cloud storage, you can have an additional copy of your recordings that automatically uploads to your cloud provider’s server – usually on a monthly basis.

This means that you can access your recordings from anywhere around the world.  Cloud storage is often the preferred storage solution for most video surveillance systems, (check also wired vs wireless video surveillance systems) as it offers remote access, improved security, and an additional backup of your recordings in case of an emergency.

Local vs Cloud Storage for Video Surveillance: Pros and Cons

When it comes to choosing a cloud storage solution for video surveillance, many times the decision between a local and cloud solution comes down to the performance of the camera (and the video quality), the costs, and where and how you intend to use the camera.

Local Storage Means Faster Access: The benefit of local storage is that the video is immediately available for viewing or downloading. This would mean that you don’t have to wait for the video to upload to the cloud and wait for it to download like any other cloud storage service.

Most local storage options are no extra cost, but cloud solutions often come with monthly service fees that can add up quickly. Since cloud storage is very common for businesses, most businesses prefer cloud solutions, but the drawbacks outweigh the benefits.  The biggest downside to cloud storage is the time it takes to upload and download videos. This means that if you need to access the video quickly in an emergency, it could take hours before you can get to it.

On the other hand, cloud storage can be accessed anywhere, anytime, and from any device, which is great for businesses that have multiple offices around the world. Additionally, cloud storage makes it easier to share videos with others and collaborate on projects, since the video and other documents can be accessed from anywhere.

Overall, local storage is great for businesses that need immediate access to their videos and don’t need to share them with others, while cloud storage is perfect for businesses that need to collaborate and share their videos with multiple locations. Each business should carefully weigh the pros and cons of each option before making a decision. 

Tips for Using Local Storage and Cloud Storage for Video Surveillance

If you’re looking for an easy way to store video surveillance footage, consider storing it on the cloud. This scenario is pretty common, as people prefer having easy access to their data, especially in a world where we constantly use our phones to browse the internet.

Cloud storage is convenient, as you don’t have to worry about purchasing additional storage devices, and you can access your surveillance footage from anywhere, as long as you’re connected to the internet. However, cloud storage can be expensive, and there’s the chance that your internet could go down, rendering your cloud storage inaccessible.

If you do decide to use cloud storage for your security camera video surveillance system, consider storing your data both locally and on the cloud, so you can have backup footage and take extra precautions.

Local storage, from another device: If your internet connection goes down, you can still access your video surveillance footage from another device. Store your sensitive data locally so you still have access to it in case your internet goes out, such as a backup hard drive or a memory stick.

Local storage, from your own device: Storing surveillance footage locally instead of on the cloud means you could also access it when you’re out and about. However, there are some cons to having surveillance data stored on your device, as follows:

Private data: If you don’t have an extra hard drive or memory stick, you’ll have no choice but to store your data on the device you install it on. This means all of your data will be on the device, meaning anyone accessing that same device will have easy access to your surveillance data.

Data loss: Losing your device completely or having it stolen means you could lose access to your surveillance data.

Privacy: Your surveillance data will be stored locally, meaning anyone who accesses the same device you don’t own will have access to your surveillance data.

Declutter: If you’re storing your surveillance data locally, you won’t have to use it on multiple devices, meaning you won’t need another external hard drive or memory stick.
Cloud storage: Online storage has become popular with average users, and cloud storage has been around for a while.

If you’re storing surveillance footage on the cloud, the benefits of cloud services are:

  • Data is accessible anywhere, as long as you’re connected to the internet.

  • Data is accessible and shareable with any device, so you can remotely monitor security camera footage from a smartphone, a tablet, or a laptop  Data is backed up, meaning you won’t lose your surveillance data even if you lose or damage your device.

  • Data is encrypted, meaning it is protected from unauthorized access and data theft.

  • Data is much easier to store and manage since it is stored in the cloud and can be accessed from anywhere.

  • You have control over who has access to the data, so you don’t have to worry about someone else accessing it without your permission.

  • You can easily keep track of all the videos you have stored in the cloud.

  • Finally, using cloud storage can help reduce the cost of storage and can make it easier to access and share data.

How can you maximize storage space and preserve storage quality using local and cloud storage in Video Surveillance  System?

Maximizing storage space and preserving storage quality using local and cloud storage in a video surveillance system can be a daunting task. With the right approach, however, it can be accomplished with ease.

Here are some tips on how to do it:

• Utilize Security Cameras with Storage Capacity: Security cameras with high storage capacity can help to maximize storage space by allowing you to store large amounts of video recordings without having to rely on external storage.

• Use Cloud Storage: Cloud storage can help you preserve storage quality and increase storage capacity by allowing you to store video recordings in the cloud, rather than on a local hard drive.

• Optimize Video Settings: Adjusting the video settings can help to reduce the amount of storage space needed for video recordings. For example, you can lower the video resolution and frame rate to reduce the size of video recordings. 

• Utilize Video Compression: Utilizing video compression can help to reduce the storage space needed for video recordings, while also preserving the quality of the recordings.

• Use Motion Detection Recording: Setting up motion detection recording can help to reduce the amount of storage space needed for video recordings by only recording when motion is detected. 

 • Utilize an Online Video Platform: Using an online video platform can help to reduce the amount of storage space needed for video recordings by allowing large video files to be streamed online. 

What are the Different Types of Cloud Subscription Plans for Video Surveillance and What Cost?

Cloud storage is all the rage in the surveillance world. But, with so many options out there, it’s important to know what type of cloud storage plan is ideal for your surveillance system and your budget.

We can break cloud storage plans into two categories: cloud-to-cloud and cloud-to-DVR.

Cloud-to-Cloud: This is the most cost-effective option. With cloud-to-cloud storage, you’re not storing your video files on a hard drive, but rather, on a server, or ‘cloud.’ To get your video recorded to your cloud storage, you’ll need to have a Network Video Recorder, or NVR, installed in your home. The NVR connects to your cameras, recording footage directly to the cloud storage.

Cloud-to-DVR: With this option, your video is stored on a DVR, or digital video recorder, which, as you may imagine, is about the size of a VCR. It connects to your cameras and records footage to an external hard drive. From there, you can transfer the files to cloud storage. Cloud-to-DVR is the most expensive option because you need both hard drives and cloud-to-cloud storage. 

Ultimately, the type of cloud storage plan that is ideal for your surveillance system and budget will depend on the size of your video files and the amount of storage space you need.

Explore Compatible Cameras and Storage Options: What Type of Security Camera and Storage Options are Compatible with Your Local and Cloud Storage Plans

Security and surveillance have come a long way from manual recording and VCRs. Nowadays, you should only have to purchase one security kit to cover all of your bases, whether you’re looking to monitor; record; or both. Below are a few security kit options to get you started.

For monitoring your home and communicating with local security professionals, we recommend taking a look at a Nest Cam. Nest cameras offer a small, sleek camera that can monitor an entire room. Nest cameras also connect to local security professionals for further security.

For more detailed monitoring, we recommend opting for a doorbell camera. Doorbell cameras allow you to see what’s at the door while protecting your identity at the same time, making them perfect for situations in which a peephole isn’t feasible.

Security cameras should ideally be paired with a reliable storage option, which can be digital or physical.

Digital storage options: Most cameras these days come with their own cloud storage, but we recommend opting for a cloud storage plan from a reputable provider such as Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, or Dropbox. Storing videos on a cloud storage plan allows you to pull up footage from anywhere, at any point in time, rather than having to search through a home’s hard drive to find a recording.

Physical storage options: While digital storage is great for when you’re on the go, physical storage is ideal for storing video footage long-term.

Hard drives: While hard drives have gotten the cloud treatment, we recommend keeping a hard drive on hand as a backup.

Memory card: A memory card might also be a good idea if they’re expendable and affordable waste.  Regardless of the storage option you choose, make sure to get a reliable one and back up all your recordings in at least two places. That way, you can ensure that your video footage is safe, secure, and always accessible.

What to Look for When Choosing Between Local and Cloud Storage for Video Surveillance

When trying to decide between a local and cloud storage option for your video surveillance, it’s important to evaluate both their pros and cons.

Cloud storage is increasing in popularity for video surveillance and with good reason. It allows surveillance footage to be stored on the internet in an accessible online location, where it can be monitored from anywhere.

On the other hand, cloud storage is available for security footage only, meaning that it can’t be used for security footage. If you live in a rural area and don’t have high-speed access to reliable internet, cloud storage might not be an option, so keep that in mind when comparing local storage vs cloud storage.

When it comes to storage, the only thing that really determines how much footage your camera can store is how much storage it currently has. While cloud storage offers better adaptability, local storage might be the better option for you if you’re concerned about how much storage you have available.

One thing to keep in mind is that cloud storage requires more bandwidth and power compared to local storage, so keep that in mind if you decide to go with cloud storage. And for even more options, look into cloud storage vs local storage. 

Why Local Storage is an Ideal Solution for Home Security Camera Storage Needs

Local storage isn’t actually a new thing; it’s been around for quite some time. Those who have been keeping a watchful eye on the issue have observed that local storage has been slowly dying in favor of cloud software. However, we believe that it would be wise for security professionals, both home and business, to consider local storage solutions as possible replacements for cloud storage solutions.

Why local storage?

  • 24/7 use: With cloud storage, you’re restricted to what the software allows you. It often plays by these rules, but some cloud solutions are certainly more lenient than others in terms of access.

  • Free: Local storage solutions are typically completely free, and free to use. Cloud storage, however, obviously costs money.

  • They sync to your computer: Cloud software requires an internet connection to sync to, which many home and business owners might not have or like.

  • It’s decentralized: With most cloud storage solutions, you’re essentially entrusting all of your important files to one server. With local storage, you control what information you put where. This enables you to protect what’s important, while also ensuring that crucial files are accessible in the event of an emergency.

  • It’s encrypted: The last thing you wants is for someone to get into your storage (whether it’s cloud or locally) and steal your information. With local storage, that’s much less likely thanks to encryption.

  • It’s local: Ultimately, local storage is local. It’s easily accessible through your computer, or through various USB storage options, and you’re not restricted to whatever restrictions the cloud has.

  • It’s secure: With cloud solutions, you’re putting everything in the hands of a third party. You’re no longer in control of your own content, which can be particularly scary depending on where those files are located.

  • It’s private: Local storage is often encrypted in the same way that cloud solutions encrypt. This is another thing that cloud software can’t compare to. Backups are important, but never feel that the storage you’re using is a backup if the cloud is the only option.

  • It’s fast: No one likes to wait for files to download, whether you want to access them or not. Local storage is immediate, instead of having to wait for files to download from a cloud server.

  • It’s reliable: Cloud storage can have issues with uptime, and while they are usually reliable when it comes to data, the same can’t be said for access. Local storage is almost always available and can be relied upon to give you access to your files. 

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, when it comes to choosing between local and cloud storage for video surveillance, there are several factors to consider. While local storage might seem like the simpler and more cost-effective option, it has its limitations and risks. Cloud storage, on the other hand, offers greater flexibility, scalability, and security, but comes with higher costs and potential connectivity issues.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your specific needs and budget. However, it’s important to work with a reliable and experienced security provider that can guide you through the decision-making process and offer the right solution for your business or home.

At Go Safer Security, we understand the importance of keeping your premises and loved ones safe and protected. Our video surveillance service combines state-of-the-art technology with professional installation and monitoring, giving you peace of mind 24/7. Whether you need local or cloud storage, we can help you choose the right option and ensure that your system is always up-to-date and functioning optimally.

Don’t leave your security to chance. Contact Go Safer Security today and let us help you secure your property and loved ones with our top-notch video surveillance service in Maryland USA.

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